30 September 2008
Think about it. One day. Everything that happens during one day, how much of what you have done, who you have met, what you have said and what you have been thinking - do you actually remember? I think I remember details quite well myself, maybe because they are so precious.
Maybe that's the reason why I always liked photography so much. Capturing moments. After all, that's what life is made up by. Moments, encounters and split-seconds - all of which we then make sense of and contextualise ourselves. I don't really understand people who don't have a camera because I wonder how they remember what they have experienced. They often say they keep the moment inside them and that the memory itself is worth more than a photo.
But how much do we remember of what we experience?
How much do you remember of your day today?
Do we reflect enough about what we have experienced? Then I don't mean special occasions, but rather things we do without thinking too much about them, like the way we say hi or the way we ask how someone is doing, and then also how we listen to their answer?
We all experience so much during a day and I really believe that even what we do is habits, that we can get so much more out of it if we kind of mull it over once again. For example, what did I actually tell that Lithuanian girl at the conference I went to? And what did she tell me? What were the most interesting point the speakers did? How did the food taste at lunch? What did my colleague really say in her speach for a colleague who is leaving?
One day can be so much more than just a day which has passed if we try to capture what we are experiencing. I believe that the beauty of life is in the detail. Thoughtfully sculptured details which create a mosaic in beautiful colours and patterns... like atoms making up cells, which in their turn make up a living creature.