10 May 2007
When I was about 19 my dad told me that he thought I had very nice friends. I agreed but did not think too much longer about this statement. It is great to have good friends, but seen from a wider, more holistic, perspective: Do the friends you have tell anything about who you are?
Some people tend to end up disappointed, and some do not. Why is that? Some girls always end up with the same kind of (wrong) guys, why is that?
Today Tony Blair announced that he will resign from his Prime Minister post. BBC's Europe Correspondent, Mark Mardell, looked at his period in office through looking at ... he PM's friends. And certainly, the theory that you can judge a politician by his friends, seems to work. (Access article here:
So if you do not like your friend's/girl/boyfriend's friends, what should you do? Should that be a warning sign of hidden sides? Does equal always attract equal? If equal always attracts equal, be aware!
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