This spot is dedicated to the world and how I see it.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

September 1 2007

Today the Brits came a wee bit closer to Europe by organising the very first Eurovision Dance Contest. Dancers of 17 countries compteted with 2 numbers each - one modern (like salsa, jive, tango...) and one more traditional. Broadcasted from London and the BBC, the show was full with the usual Bristish sarcasm (and humour).

Also with their usual sense of surprise, the British commentators could not understand how the UK didn't get as many points as expected and why they ended up not as winners, but rather at the very end of the list... For as much as I do like the UK, some things like 'Britain being the centre of the world and noone really understands our greatness', will always remain the same!

Poor polite 'Continental Europeans' calling in to give their votes. Thanking for a great programme, or simply wishing the hosts a nice evening, the presenter Graham Norton rushed to get the points and was like 'Yeah, yeah, we don't have much time now so could you please be quick?!'. Of course with a sense of humour, but with that British subtle undertone of 'I'm death serious!'

I am one of those Eurovision Song Contest enthusiasts and am very happy about this sister contest. I actually believe that the Eurovision Song Contest stimulated my interest in Europe when I was a child - I loved watching when points were given from the participating European Capitals and when they said 'Good Evening from x' in different languages! Then it is, of course, a completely different issue if the music is good or not. But that (quality) is not what the Song Contest is about at all!


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